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Big Island: Small World

The Hawaiian Islands are thousands of miles from mainlands of any continent, which has two implications. The term ‘hotspot’ defines the Islands of Hawaii, not just for it’s diversity of life, but geologically. The Islands of Hawaii are home to native, threatened and endangered species, arguably the most, and host invasive species found to be… Read more »

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USGS and Jagger Museum

Most of us had never seen lava before, let alone stood in front of one of the largest active volcanoes in the world, the volcano that lies at the center of Hawaii’s story of creation. The surrounding wildlife, in itself, is rich with history and biological wonders! A difficult part of maintaining this area is… Read more »

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Hawaii Volcano National Park Visitor Center 

Part of good coastal management practices involves educating and exposing the public to different management challenges. Similar to how the Ventura Harbor Visitor Center provides education and information about our Channel Islands, the Hawaiian Volcano National Park Visitor Center provides services alike. Many different types of visualizations inside this visitor center all contribute to informing… Read more »