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Concluding thoughts 

Overall our trip to Hawaii was very educational, eye opening and fun. We stayed very busy the entire time which allowed us to see and hear about an array of interesting topics. The comparisons between Californian coastal management and Hawaiian coastal management became much clearer after this trip. Issues such as habitat fragmentation, invasive species,… Read more »

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Big Island: Small World

The Hawaiian Islands are thousands of miles from mainlands of any continent, which has two implications. The term ‘hotspot’ defines the Islands of Hawaii, not just for it’s diversity of life, but geologically. The Islands of Hawaii are home to native, threatened and endangered species, arguably the most, and host invasive species found to be… Read more »

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OTEC technologies and NELHA facilities 

Today we visited a bunch of really  interesting facilities at this place known as NELHA. It’s a large section of land in Kona that assists with research support, economic development and works as a business incubator. The mission statement of NELHA is to provide a support facility for research on ocean thermal energy conversions and… Read more »

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Waikiki ✈️–> Hilo 

Our group is now in route to Hilo to continue our educational adventure .