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Greg’s CI in HI Reflection

Three islands in three days. That’s the ESRM way! Santa Rosa on Sunday, Oahu on Monday, and the Big Island on Tuesday. The real-life learning experiences these opportunities provide are priceless. In total this was a 10-day information overload. The learning experience for our Hawaii trip started immediately. The shuttle ride to the LAX Airport… Read more »

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Concluding thoughts 

Overall our trip to Hawaii was very educational, eye opening and fun. We stayed very busy the entire time which allowed us to see and hear about an array of interesting topics. The comparisons between Californian coastal management and Hawaiian coastal management became much clearer after this trip. Issues such as habitat fragmentation, invasive species,… Read more »

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A week spent in Hawaii was quite eventful and largely educational. We were all able to experience and learn so much about Hawaii’s management practices, culture, and values. Not only was it an experience to expand our knowledge on coastal management, it was also an experience to learn of possible job opportunities and grad school… Read more »

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Big Island: Small World

The Hawaiian Islands are thousands of miles from mainlands of any continent, which has two implications. The term ‘hotspot’ defines the Islands of Hawaii, not just for it’s diversity of life, but geologically. The Islands of Hawaii are home to native, threatened and endangered species, arguably the most, and host invasive species found to be… Read more »

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The Aloha Spirit

A week in Hawaii, what a lifetime. There were, on more than one occasion, moments where I thought, “oh that’s a very cool thing, but we probably won’t have time to do it.” Sure enough, by the end of the day or the next, we’d be on another side of the island, or the other… Read more »

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A trip to Remember!!!

This was a very unique experience with different views and opinions I never before thought of. I loved the interdisciplinary aspect of the trip, ranging from small cultural lectures all the way to big industry ones. We really got to see and begin to understand the full range of coastal and marine development in Hawaii…. Read more »

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Ma’ona Community Garden

We visited a community garden that is helping the community battle food insecurity.  They are using everything in the garden and waste is either composted, reused, recycled or disposed of properly.

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Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park

This park established in 1961 sits on the royal ground of King Kamehameha and stands to visitors of the history of the ‘Aina, or land. In ancient times, commoners could not even let their shadows touch the royal grounds of the King and punishments to any laws broken was death. The offenders child or parent would… Read more »

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 Mo’ana – the feeling of being full to the point all you want to do is fall asleep. We learned sustainable farm practices. The purpose of Mo’ana is for outreach and teaching people to eat healthy locally grown food. Shantal Chang told us the difficulties of grant approval.  This is Shantal’s sheep that doubles as… Read more »

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Visitor Emergency Operations Center – Hawaii Volcanos National Park 

A law enforcement officer from the National Parks Service at Hawaii Volcanos National Park gave us a really informational talk about some of his daily tasks he does dealing with visitors and his staff. Because this National Park is unique in its large size, amount of sulfur dioxide emitted into the air, and dangers of… Read more »