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Hawaiian Coastal

UNIV 391  It’s always though landing in LAX, one of the most populated cities after a week of Hawaii. When you land in Honolulu the temperature is perfect. The island hits you in the face. Sleeping on the beach the first night was raw. This I learned was a team building experience. The trip was… Read more »

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Wrapping up a week in Hawaii

I couldn’t be more thankful for the experiences I had on this trip to Oahu and the Big Island of Hawaii. For my first time visiting such a unique and special place, I was thankful I was more than just a tourist or a visitor. Instead, we were exposed to the culture that is preserved… Read more »

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CI in HI: Devyn’s Reflection

This trip was filled with activities and educational experiences, beginning with the very first hour on the very first day. As we started off LA-ward from our CSU Channel Islands campus, we started learning about management challenges along the coast of PCH (Highway 1). At that moment I knew this trip would be worth the… Read more »

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Greg’s CI in HI Reflection

Three islands in three days. That’s the ESRM way! Santa Rosa on Sunday, Oahu on Monday, and the Big Island on Tuesday. The real-life learning experiences these opportunities provide are priceless. In total this was a 10-day information overload. The learning experience for our Hawaii trip started immediately. The shuttle ride to the LAX Airport… Read more »

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A week spent in Hawaii was quite eventful and largely educational. We were all able to experience and learn so much about Hawaii’s management practices, culture, and values. Not only was it an experience to expand our knowledge on coastal management, it was also an experience to learn of possible job opportunities and grad school… Read more »