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Mariculture in Kona 

The mariculture practices at NELHA where very intriguing in more ways than one. Campachi Farms is a small company that has a big idea. They understand the importance and urgency of food scarcity with the ever growing population of Earth.They also realize the global collapse of fisheries. The facility they managed consisted of multiple enclosed… Read more »

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Ke Kai Ola Marine Mammal Center

Today we went to the Ke Kai Ola Marine Mammal Center. It is a nonprofit organization that rehabilitates Hawaiian monk seals. There are three different types of monk seals which are the most ancient: Caribbean  (which are extinct), Mediterranean (only about 300 left), and Hawaiian (endangered). The Ke Kai Ola, which means “the healing sea”,… Read more »

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OTEC technologies and NELHA facilities 

Today we visited a bunch of really  interesting facilities at this place known as NELHA. It’s a large section of land in Kona that assists with research support, economic development and works as a business incubator. The mission statement of NELHA is to provide a support facility for research on ocean thermal energy conversions and… Read more »

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King Kamehameha Hotel

This hotel is so beautifully put together. It has so many paintings in the lobby. Outside is a small beach where you can go swimming or lay out.  Above is a painting of Queen Ka’ ahumanu, who his favorite wife. 

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Who knew?! Monks in Hawaii

Hawaiian Monk seals can dive upto 600 feet for food foraging. Unfortunately, due to climate change they’re loosing more and more vital habitat. 

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Road Construction 

“That would be a cool blog post” – Dr. A Big kind of road work over there. Road maintenance/straightening on the way to Kailua Kona. 

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Hawaii Volcanoes 

Yesterday we spent all day at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.  We got to check out the Jaggar Museum and look around the  Kīlauea Visitor Center and the Volcanoe House; a main attractions for tourist.  Established in 1916 Hawaii Volcanoes is a unique national park. While not all visitors may venture out into the backcountry to… Read more »

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Backcountry Ranger Station

We attended a lecture from David Benitez at Hawaii Volcano National Park. David specializes in invasive species management. He is from South America and got his masters in plant biology. Beginning his career with the National Parks Service as a contractor. We learned that species can be eradicated by the introduction of other species. We… Read more »

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University of Hawaii at Hilo Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resource Center

We started off our tour at the aquaculture center with a small plankton workshop. Here we had three different groups of four people. There were 4 different beakers filled with different organisms which we had to identify ourselves under a microscope and identifying manual. This was interesting because each organism was different and moved underneath the microscope…. Read more »

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USGS and Jagger Museum

Most of us had never seen lava before, let alone stood in front of one of the largest active volcanoes in the world, the volcano that lies at the center of Hawaii’s story of creation. The surrounding wildlife, in itself, is rich with history and biological wonders! A difficult part of maintaining this area is… Read more »