The Thurston Lava tube was one of many Lava tubes which are accessible at Volcano National park. There is invasive management at this location and is surrounded by pristine tropical Hawaiian forests. These tubes are formed by magma moving through the earth. The outside is hardened while the inside has flowing lava. When the flowing lava has disappeared, there is the shown lava tube left in its place. Many of the lava tubes at Volcano National Park are too dangerous for the public to attend, therefore, this particular one was altered so it could be walked through. This included laying down cement and a railing along the sides, as well as lights to see. 

The Lava Tube (Nāhuku) is a total round trip 1/2 miles.Lava tubes take about a year to develop after eruption. As we walked in the tube was cold and dripping with water. There were puddles on the ground as the water collected and dropped from the ceiling this was an over all amazing experience.

Written by Devyn Roadhouse

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